Newsletter: June-2023

In this Issue

  • Members-only directory for private one-on-one communication

  • Group Feedback on the Draft Federal Strategy Published!

  • Invitation to contribute to multi-conference CarbonDew abstract

  • Invitation to contribute to our AGU-2023 Session in December in San Francisco

  • Invitation to contribute to our AMS-2024 Session in January in Baltimore

  • All upcoming and Past Activities & Events

  • Collaborative Partners, Expert, and Stakeholder Organizations


Members-only directory for private one-on-one communication

We have already launched the CarbonDew mailing list for group exchange. The mailing list is accessible through

We would like to emphasize that the legitimacy and safety of every message shared on the mailing list is of utmost importance to us. Our dedicated moderators and interns will thoroughly review each message before it is distributed to the entire list, ensuring a secure and reliable platform for communication.

Now, in addition to the mailing list, we received inquiries regarding a private members-only directory. This directory could enable individuals within the group to connect directly with one another. It will include each member's name, affiliation, and contact information.

The purpose of this directory is to foster collaboration and encourage interactions among CarbonDew practitioners from various fields of expertise (Fig. 1). For example, a green venture capital investor may wish to contact an academia representative who is an expert in a specific field to discuss the viability of a particular approach.  

Please let us know here if you would like your name listed in the private directory. Kindly note that active enrollment is required to become part of this list, and non-responders will not be included to ensure privacy. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your input in shaping the CarbonDew community.

Figure 1. The present and proposed ways to connect to other CarbonDew members. In the present way, a message reaches all Carbon Dew members at once through a mailing list. Through the proposed private directory, members can reach out directly and privately among each other, in a one-on-one fashion.

Coordinated feedback on the draft Federal Strategy for Integrated U.S. GHG Monitoring

We are happy to announce the publication of "CarbonDew Coordinated Response To: The Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated US Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Information System": here

Some of the key recommendations include:

  • Integrate direct ground-truth measurements like eddy-covariance (EC) to complement existing approaches

  • Leverage networks such as NEON, AmeriFlux, and FLUXNET to enhance GHG geographical coverage and direct quantification

  • Bridge the gap between direct atmospheric measurements of GHG emission and sequestration and other methods (e.g., soil cores, biomass sampling) and numerous indirect models and estimates

  • Optimize data accessibility and utilization through a multi-cloud solution and large-scale data processing

  • Strengthen such an approach by partnering with complementary communities like NEON, AmeriFlux, and Carbon Dew for expert advice from a wide range of diverse perspectives

  • Involve educational institutions through a climate extension service and climate-grant programs

CarbonDew Members Co-Authored the Response:

Stefan Metzger (Battelle/NEON), George Burba (LI-COR Biosciences/Water for Food Global Institute), Maricar Aguilos (North Carolina State University), Troy Bernier (H2OResource, Inc.), Bryan Curtis (Washington State University/AgWeatherNet), Oleg Demidov (CarbonSpace), David Durden (Battelle/NEON), Jack Elston (Black Swift Technologies), Hendrik Hamann (IBM), Jared Hawkins (Battelle /Energy Division), John Stephen Kayode (Nigerian Army University), Isaya Kisekka (UC Davis), Levente Klein (IBM), Sara Knox The (University of British Columbia), Gerbrand Koren (Utrecht University), Sparkle Malone (Yale University), Zoe Pierrat (University of California Los Angeles), Benjamin Runkle (University of Arkansas), Susanne Schödel (Susanne Schödel GmbH Environment Data), John Shanahan (Agoro Carbon Alliance), Gyami Shrestha (Lynker), Surendran Udayar Pillai (Center for Water Resources Development and Management), Rodrigo Vargas (University of Delaware), Erik Velasco (Molina Center for Energy and the Environment), Koong Yi (AmeriFlux Year of Remote Sensing Committee).

If such activities and topics seem interesting to you, please join our future efforts to anchor fair and equitable climate solutions through direct measurements of sequestration and emission rates, and to collaborate with public and private entities, leveraging surface-atmosphere science and industry innovations.

See below for our multi-conference CarbonDew abstract, the upcoming AGU Session announcement and the Upcoming and Past Activities section.

Invitation to contribute to multi-conference CarbonDew abstract 

Due July 10, 2023, Online and Everywhere

We invite you to participate in the CarbonDew abstract for presentation at the AmeriFlux Annual Meeting, LI-COR Connect Global Conference, and the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. You can sign up here, with access to the draft abstract for comments and suggestions.


Invitation to contribute to our AGU-2023 Session in December in San Francisco 

Week of December 11, 2023, San Francisco, California

We invite you to contribute abstracts and join us at the inaugural session “Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: Flux Measurements for Real-World Impact” at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, virtually or in person. The session is organized by CarbonDew, Battelle, IBM, LI-COR, Lynker, and NEON, and focuses on how we can utilize direct flux measurements for tangible societal benefits.

We welcome abstract submissions due August 2, 2023, across nature-based and technological applications such as carbon removal, agriculture and forestry, environmental impact management, and more. Examples include irrigation scheduling, soil and plant treatments, GHG reduction and sequestration, global warming potential, satellite and model products, industry emissions, severe weather impacts, and air quality management.

If you have an abstract idea but are not quite sure how to proceed, CarbonDew is here to help. You can reach us at and we are happy to help coordinate abstract group activities, and provide proofreading support and guidance for the submission process.

Please join us to discuss how we can together develop a global paradigm for maximum integrity, low-latency, and economically sound earth stewardship, anchored in direct flux measurements!

Abstract submissions due August 2.


Invitation to contribute to our AMS-2024 Session in January in Baltimore 

Week of January 28, 2024, Baltimore, Maryland

Please contribute abstracts by August 24, and join us at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Session “Toward a Unified Monitoring, Measurements, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV) Framework for GHG Mitigation and Carbon Removal”, organized by CarbonDew, Lynker, LI-COR, NEON, and Battelle.

Achieving net zero emissions requires rapid GHG reduction and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Monitoring, measurement, reporting, and verification (MMRV) based on scientific standards are crucial for effective emission reduction.

This session highlights research on CDR, GHG mitigation, and MMRV, focusing on nature-based and technological approaches, societal applications, and governance. It aims to foster innovative strategies through partnerships with various sectors.

Topics include in-situ and remote sensing measurements of carbon sequestration, leak quantification, and landfill management. Discussions seek efficient carbon removal, GHG reduction, and the establishment of a standardized MMRV framework for a carbon-negative future.

Submit an abstract before August 24, virtually or in person.


All upcoming and past activities & events

Week of January 28, 2024, Baltimore, Maryland

●       American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

o   Proposal for Session “Toward a Unified Monitoring, Measurements, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV) Framework for GHG Mitigation and Carbon Removal”

o   Organizers from CarbonDew: Lynker, LI-COR, NEON, and Battelle

o   Presentations: several presentations are being planned, and details are coming

Week of December 11, 2023, San Francisco, California

●       American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

o   Session “Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: Flux Measurements for Real-World Impact”

o   Organizers from CarbonDew: Battelle, NEON, IBM, LI-COR, and Lynker 

o   Presentations: several presentations are being planned, and details are coming

Week of November 6, 2023, Atlanta, Georgia

●       LI-COR Connect 2023 Inagural Meeting

o   Theme “Environmental Science, People, and Technology”, with the latest research innovations, novel methods, applications, and instruments from the designers and from the people who use these in their work

o   Several CarbonDew members will be keynote speakers and teachers at the  workshops

Week of August 6, 2023, Portland, Oregon

●       Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

o   Presentation: “Carbon Dew: a New Community of Practice Leveraging Direct GHG Exchange Measurements for Equitable Climate Solutions”

Week of April 23, 2023, Vienna, Austria

●       European Geophysical Union General Assembly

o   Session ”From Long-Term Flux Observation and Ecosystem Research Networks to Individual Applications - Benefits to Science and Society

o   Presentation “Carbon Dew: Direct Greenhouse Gas Exchange Measurements Anchor Equitable Climate Solutions Worldwide

o   Presentation “Direct Real-Time GHG and ET Measurements for Immediate Societal Benefits: Getting to an AWS-Like Approach with Simple Explanations and CarbonDew”

April 19 (extended from April 4), 2023, Online

●       Coordinated feedback on the draft Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Information System

o   The draft strategy: here

o   The group response: see the main body of the newsletter above

Week of March 27, 2023, Columbus, Ohio

●       Battelle Conference "Innovations in Climate Resilience"

o   Presentation "Carbon Dew: Direct Greenhouse Gas Exchange Measurements for Equitable Worldwide Emissions Trading"

o   Presentation "Emission Observations and Data Analysis System: Towards Robust and Scalable Measurement, Reporting and Verification"

February 21-23, 2023, Online

●       NACP/US Carbon Cycle Science Program Workshop "Measuring, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV) for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)"

Week of January 30, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand

●       iLEAPS-OzFlux Joint Conference

o   Presentation "Eddy Covariance Method for Immediate Societal Benefits: Value of Simple Explanations, Data Cross-Sharing, AWS-Like Approach

Collaborative Partners, Expert, and Stakeholder Organizations

The presence of organizations on our member page often goes unnoticed. Collaborative partners, expert organizations, and stakeholder organizations are, in fact, also featured on the member page of the CarbonDew website.

To access this information, kindly visit and scroll down until you see this section: 


Newsletter: October-2023


Newsletter: Feb-2023